This application contains maggot cultivation methods, maggot cultivation needs to be done because it is proven to reduce feed costs by up to 50%. most of which are used by farmers are maggots which are then given as animal feed either given directly or made as maggot flour.
The benefits of maggot cultivation are:
1. BSF flies are safe for humans
2. BSF maggots are good at eating
3. BSF populations are controlled naturally
4. The number of BSF eggs is very large
5. Easy maintenance
6. Low production costs
7. Growth of maggots is very fast
8. Waste shredder in a matter of hours
9. Clean without smell
10. Can be produced on narrow land
11. Able to adapt to extreme environments
12. Automatic harvest
13. rich in complete high protein amino acids
14. Does not carry outbreaks of disease
15. Great opportunity for the animal feed business
16. Suitable with Indonesia's climate
17. Starting with super minimal capital.
18. Seeds free with fishing for BSF flies
Hopefully this application is useful for you.
thank you